Petron Plus

Petron Plus

New Petron Plus is high technology Mineral base gasoline engine oil with imported base stocks especially designed for all Toyota passenger car engine provide excellent protection for your modern engine

General Characteristics

  • Meet API service category SM/CF & SAE 10W-30.
  • Meet ILSAC GF-3 standard.
  • Contains highly purified base stocks and additive to meet  API SM performance grade
  • Improve oil pressure & oil consumption control.
    •  Ensuring engine against deposit and wear problem which can be caused by viscosity increase of engine oil in modern Toyota engine operated in high temperature condition.
    • Longer engine life & increase engine power retention
    • More than 5000 KM mileage.

Typical properties

Kinematic Viscosity at 100oC,mm2/s


ASTM D 445 18.20 – 20.00
Kinematic Viscosity at 40oC,mm2/s ASTM D 445 Typical 174
Flash Point, COC, oC ASTM D 92 Typical ≥ 200
Pour Point, oC ASTM D 97 Max.  -32.5
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